Jodie Foster Gay #Duh...How Social Media Killed the Open Secret | Communications Major |

Leave it to Jodie Foster, the venerable 50-year-old star with the 47-year career, to unbalance the Twitterverse in a way the social network has not quite experienced yet.

Sure, the hijinks and hoo-has of thousands of public figures have lit up Twitter, the online stream-of-consciousness of social media about once a week over the past half decade. But Foster kicked things up a notch with a rambling, off-kilter, pop culty, coming out speech at last Sunday night's Golden Globe awards that made for an instant tweet-up.

Foster, who was being honored with a lifetime achievement award, took the opportunity to touch on topics that are obviously near and dear to her - her need for privacy and her need to confirm an aspect of her private life that has long been, in pre-social media parlance, an "open secret."