Phony Mommy Wars | Communications Major |

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd weighs in on the latest diversion to get us to talk about anything except that Barack Obama is probably going to coast to a second term and pummel Mitt Romney in November's election. Last week's media dustup between Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen who said Romney's wife Ann (or @AnnDRomney, her nom de Tweet) "never worked a day in her life" sure has got people talking, but about the wrong things. Writes Dowd,

"This latest kerfuffle is piffle, but it is another instance of Republicans dragging women back to the past to re-litigate issues they thought were long settled. Just as women had assumed their contraception rights were safe, they had considered the tiresome debate about working moms versus stay-at-home moms over....

For the most part, nobody’s casting aspersions on anybody else’s choices, which are often driven by economics. Women have so many choices that they’re overwhelmed by the stress of so many choices. The real issue is whether Mitt, a tycoon who has been swathed in an old-fashioned cocoon, understands the plight of working mothers and the rights of 21st-century women."